We were pleased to have Jerry Price as our guest speaker on July 14, 2021. Jerry is a South Florida native who has an impeccable road racing career.  
One highlight was the World Race 2011 which duplicated the course taken by early automobiles in 1911. Sponsors provided alternative fuel vehicles.
The race started in New York and went across the US to San Francisco. A boat took all the cars to China where the race continued through China and Russia and finally ended in Paris.
The biggest challenge was logistics to get permissions for the race was from national and local organizations, especially in countries like China and Russia. The race was more of a rally since it was a ceremony to demonstrate alternative fuels for cars.
Jerry’s team which included a great grandson of the winner of the original race in 1911 was declared the winner. Doing the World Race again with electric vehicles would be a worthy next challenge.
Jerry makes most of his income doing stunt car driving in action movies like the F9 franchise. He has been fortunate to do stunts in many movies which is both an art (in how to make a stunt car do roll overs, etc.) and science (where each stunt is planned out in detail before it is done). Fortunately, Jerry has only suffered one injury when a motorcycle in which he was driving going on one wheel backwards hit a small stone that caused a cut on his chin.
Thank you, Jerry, for a great talk!