The Rotary Club of Boca Raton Serving Boca Helping Hands
Boca Helping Hands provides food, medical and financial assistance to meet basic human needs as well as education, job training and guidance to create self-sufficiency.
Boca Helping Hands:
-Provides services to benefit individuals, families, and children during times of need, emergency, or crisis.
-Serves with compassion in assisting people in need to help improve their lives.
-Fosters dignity, self-respect, and self-esteem in everyone who seeks our services.
-Offers the resources necessary to help people in need gain self-sufficiency.
By 2020, Boca Helping Hands will be the essential community resource helping people cross the bridge from the basic need for independence.
The Rotary Club of Boca Raton members serves in many capacities to assist Boca Helping Hands. Our members volunteer thousands of hours as well as financial aid. We have food drives, we prepare and serve meals weekly, we job mentor countless people in desperate need of employment, and Rotary members have stepped up by finding employment for many in their own businesses or homes. On Christmas day over thirty Rotary volunteers serve meals to over 300 homeless, and families in need in conjunction with the Town Center Mall. Our Rotary Club volunteers spend the most valuable time with clients one on one at the Resource Center at Boca Helping Hands providing assistance for the people of our community that have nowhere else to go. The Rotary Club of Boca Raton cares and will continue to care and assist Boca Helping Hands.