Bryn has been a Rotarian since 1986 when he joined the Rotary Club of Barrie Huronia in Barrie, Ontario. He was Club President in 1995-96; served as District Governor.
District Conference Chair in 1999 and was a GSE Team Leader to Australia in April 2000. Bryn was District Governor during the Rotary Centennial year of 2004-05. He has served Rotary as chair of numerous committees and as RI President Representative to numerous District Conferences. His passions for Rotary includes a membership and OUR Rotary Foundation. He was D7010 District Foundation Chair from 2007-10 and was the Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for Zone 24 East from 2010-12. Bryn was the Rotary International Director from Zone 24 from 2012-14. He was a Trustee of the Rotary Foundation from 2015-17. He is the immediate Past Chair of the Rotary Peace Centers. He is currently the Aide to the RI President for 2021-22, Shekhar Mehta.
By profession, Bryn and his wife, Randy, are both pharmacists and operated their own pharmacies for 30 years. They are both Paul Harris Fellows, Foundation Bequest Society Members and members of the Arch Klumph Society. Bryn has been recognized with numerous awards including the Citation for Meritorious Service, the Service Above Self Award and the Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award. Randy’s support has allowed Bryn to do the Rotary work that he enjoys. Randy and Bryn have 2 married children and 5 grandchildren. Their family calls them the “unreliable” grandparents because of their travel schedule.
Bryn gave an excellent presentation about the Rotary Peace Fellowship Program. The following slides tell the story in a straight forward manner including how to apply.

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