Our Club was pleased to have Debbie Vance of Vancouver Island, BC be our guest speaker. Debbie creates wonderful graphics as a volunteer program for Rotary. Her images are free or all to use. The Rotary graphics she creates can be found at Debbie Vance – Rotary Graphics on Facebook. She also personalizes these graphics for Clubs, Districts and other Rotary organizations in return for their making a donation to The Rotary Foundation in any amount, for any cause and in anyone’s name.
Debbie shared that she worked for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for many years before moving to Western Canada to start the next phase of her life.
Here are some examples of her fabulous graphics. The first is one that uses the ECG graphic that is altered to be in the shape of a heart to support Maternal and Child Health Month. The second shows the support for World Immunization Month to eradicate polio.

We were grateful to have Debbie share with our Club all she does to help Rotary. She is President of her Club which we are sure is an honor to all their members. If anyone would like to reach Debbie, you can write her at [email protected].
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