Andrea O’Rourke introduced Luke Lynch and Jordan Hernandez during our Club’s Zoom meeting: she recalled for us that Luke had talked to the Club last year when he was a senior at Boca High. He had been working on building a large metal fish trash container that would allow residents to be reminded of saving the ocean ecosystem by keeping the beach and walkways clutter free and putting the waste in the large fish-like trash container.
Luke then gave the club an overview of how this new “#coronacant” move got going. Hernandez, an English teacher at Boca High, contacted Lynch. They brainstormed on how they could put the coronavirus Stay-at-Home directives into a more positive experience.
They came up with a great idea: let people take photos and videos of the good things they are doing with their at home or back yard time that demonstrates positive things we can do … under hashtag #coronacant (fill in the blank), e.g. #coronacant prevent me from practicing my saxophone or #coronacant stop me from being extra nice to my family.
“Corona can’t stop us from being the best we can be,” Lynch recently said to Channel 5. “The beauty of this campaign is that we have a teacher and alumni empowering students to do the groundwork themselves.”
Channel 5 recently did a segment on the #coronacant movement.
Luke also contacted Club member Diane Shawcross, who heads the Club’s outreach communication efforts. She suggested our members share some of our favorite Club activities, e.g. getting/taking a photo or video of things like:
- A photo of our meeting with and supporting our mentees
- A video of collecting food for our local food bank
- A video checking in on our neighbors
- A photo of Club Committee meeting
- A photo (screen shot) of our weekly Zoom meeting to maintain our friendships, our work and have some laughs!
We all will surely have a favorite Rotary activity that we would like to promote and share!
Diane has requested that our members send their photos and short videos with some explanation to her at [email protected]. She will then add them to our Club Facebook page and Bill Riddick will add them to the Club Website. Then, she will submit them to #Coronacant for consideration to be added to the organization website.
If anyone has any questions about this, please give Diane a call at (561) 866-0445.
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