Pictured above are Club President Vancessa Havener with Member Lorraine Marks-Field, accomplished violinist and director of the Florida Intergenerational Orchestra.
Pictured above are Club President Vanessa Havener with Member Lorraine Marks-Field, accomplished violist and conductor of the Florida Intergenerational Orchestra. Lorraine brought two other musicians, Jim, violinist and Shana Gaskill, cellist, to play a series of classical pieces for the Club. Her group is known as the Cremona trio.
Lorraine grew up in New Jersey and her entire family was involved with music encouraged by Lorraine’s father who was a Holocaust survivor. Lorraine moved to Boca Raton in 2003. She is married to Bob Field and has three children. It is a blended family as Bob, a retired attorney, who also is the orchestra’s pianist, has four children. Between them they now have 15 grandchildren.
Lorraine is founder of the New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra and the Florida Intergenerational Orchestra of America. Lorraine Marks-Field has dedicated most of her life to the cause of “Blending the Generations Through Music. If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool.
The orchestra promotes health and wellness through music. She was featured in American Profile Magazine as a “Hometown Hero”. In Florida the orchestra was the first winner of the “Legacy Award,” given by the governor and the Department of Elder Affairs for her work “Bridging the Generations Through Music.” She has been honored as well by the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. The NJIO was also the subject of a book, “Grand Partners”, by Dr. Linda Winston, a Social Anthropologist. The orchestra was given a spread in Family Circle Magazine for the October 1999 issue. She and her orchestra were also featured in Symphony Magazine in 2018.
Lorraine has made public service announcements for “Intergenerational” programs for UPN Channel 9 News and radio station WQXR NYC for their Millennium celebration. She was featured on national television with the orchestra on the CBS Morning show, “Windows On America”, and NBC “Four Stories” and recently had an article in the April 2016 issue of Boca Magazine as well as the AARP Bulletin. She was also featured on the CBS Weekend News. The orchestra was filmed at Lincoln Center for “Sunday This Morning” with Charles Osgood.
She has performed for the Japan Global Forum for their Beijing +5 Conference, “Generations United National Conference” on the Capitol Steps in Washington D.C., Lincoln Center Plaza Fountain Concert Series, NJ Non-profit Homes for the Aged Conference, American Heart Association, the Special Wishes Foundation, and the Kessler Institute For Rehabilitation. She was also a featured speaker at The United Nations World Conference on Aging in Madrid, Spain on the topic of “Healthy Aging through Music.
Her next concert, entitled “Play it Forward: Music for a Cause” will be held Sunday, February 23rd, 3 P.M. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, O’Shea Hall, 22094 Lyons Road, Boca Raton followed by the Orchestra’s 15th year celebration at the Robert’s Theater at Saint Andrews School, 3900 Jog Road, Boca Raton on April 5th at 3:00 P.M.
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