The Rotary Club of Boca Raton was finally able to meet in person for the first time in over a year. We met outdoors at the Ravfina Greek Tavern and Grill for a Club Assembly. Everyone was very happy to meet again in person, and most who attended had already received their Covid-19 vaccinations.
Club President Gary Hildebrand and his wife Bonnie helped lead a meeting also Bill Riddick and Claudia DuBois helped set up the speakers and microphone. Bob
Bob Buruchian was recognized for being the honoree of Men with Caring Hearts. Also, Bob’s son Alex and the Playimage team setup the live streaming so members could dial in using Zoom. Jonathan Sherry and Johnathan Raineau made the arrangements with the restaurant.
A good time was had by all.

Hello, does anyone have any up-to-date information on the Cat Island Children’s Home, or any upcoming projects with the home? I have tried to get information, but no response from Terry at youth4orphans. Any information would be most appreciated, thank you.